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The Effect of Insufficient Paint Hanging on the Motor Windings on the Performance of the Motor


The Effect of Insufficient Paint Hanging on the Motor Windings on the Performance of the Motor

2024-08-22 14:40:33

For any motor products, dip baking process is a very critical control link, for the process, mainly by equipment, technology and process management to control. The purpose of motor winding dipping and drying is to fill the insulating varnish into all the gaps inside the winding, and make the winding become a solid whole after drying, so as to ensure that the performance of insulation, heat dissipation and vibration meets the requirements during the motor operation, and to satisfy and improve the comprehensive performance level of the motor.

In the winding fault motor disassembly process can be found, some windings are loose, obviously for the performance of the motor has a certain adverse effect. In order to achieve the motor windings have enough effective hanging amount of paint, should be involved in the dipping and drying process of materials, process parameters and process control to pay enough attention.

The viscosity of paint is very important. If the paint is too thin, there will not be enough paint base to fill the gap in the winding. If the paint is too thick, it will be difficult for the paint to enter the winding, especially the iron core slot. At present, many motor enterprises have adopted VPI vacuum pressure impregnation equipment, which will make up for the inappropriateness of some materials, but the effect is limited. In the actual production process, the state of the dipping equipment and the viscosity of the paint must be dynamically monitored, otherwise it is difficult to achieve the desired effect.

Winding insulation treatment process, most of the dipping paint and drying process is carried out separately, dipping paint before the pre-drying is very necessary, the purpose is to remove moisture and air in the winding, dipping paint after the completion of the drying process, if the baking temperature is low, has entered the winding of the paint will be lost very quickly, the effect of the insulation treatment is greatly reduced, of course, if the temperature is too high, but also caused by the electromagnetic line, the insulation of the aging of the material and the failure.

For most of the drying process, the winding is in a static state, which always leads to an uneven distribution of the insulating varnish relative to the winding, which leads to a problem of the curing time of the insulating varnish, and if the time is too long, the greater the effect of unevenness of the insulating treatment.

In order to improve the winding insulation treatment effect, some baking equipment to increase the rotating processing function, that is, to ensure that the winding in the drying process is in a rotating state, the uniformity of the distribution of insulating varnish in the winding for effective improvement.

From the theoretical analysis, the winding of the paint hanging some good, that is, to meet the winding of all the filling gap can be saturated, but the effective filling effect is very critical. If the paint is sticky, you can see the end of the winding, the core inside and outside the circle have a thick layer of paint, may also enter the winding of the paint is very little, from the amount of paint hanging data analysis, the data is relatively good-looking, but the insulation treatment effect is not ideal.

Whether for high-voltage motors or low-voltage motors, the insulation process is particularly critical, especially for high-voltage motors, but also involves coil winding, wrapping process, we will not repeat here.
