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Motor Industry Involution Continues to Escalate and Simo Seizes the Market


Motor Industry Involution Continues to Escalate and Simo Seizes the Market


In May, under the leadership of the company and the strong support of various departments, through the sales department of internal and external diligence, this month to achieve orders, paybacks, shipments of indicators steadily increased year-on-year growth, this achievement is hard to come by, especially in the current market environment has not been a fundamental improvement in the face of the price of major raw materials, especially copper prices skyrocketed, motor manufacturers are waiting for the industry to increase the price of news, resulting in fierce competition within the industry, the market continues to involution, is still manifested in the various manufacturers to spell price, which brings great challenges to the sales work, both to protect prices, but also to take into account the user's affordability. Resulting in fierce competition within the industry, the market continues to involution, is still manifested in the various manufacturers to fight price, which brings a huge challenge to the sales work, both to protect the price, but also to consider the user's degree of acceptance, in the second quarter of the critical period, both to improve the volume of orders, to expand market share, but also to protect the interests of the company, all of which is a direct test of the company's ability to market the work as a whole.

In May, the completion of the order is better in the region: North, South Central, Southwest, they can find customers in the fierce market, to get back to the order, to realize the return, thanks to the usual efforts, the usual accumulation, thanks to the sales of the "spirit of four thousand" to go to thousands of households, say a thousand words, think of a thousand ways to try a thousand hard times. The spirit of "Four Thousand Spirits" of sales is to go to thousands of homes, speak thousands of words, think thousands of ways and taste thousands of hardships.

Sales North this month is particularly outstanding, was awarded the company 2023 advanced sales team, under the leadership of the manager Zhang Leijun, deputy manager Lian Pengbo, the region all staff unity, give full play to the advantages of the Sigma brand, through timely understanding and mastery of the market information changes in response to the actual situation in the region, the development of effective countermeasures, and actively visit the customer to promote the spirit of hard work, we are united with each other to better fulfill the sales targets this month, won the leadership and everyone agreed to. Good completion of the sales target, won the leadership and everyone's praise.

Especially after this year's sales conference, in order to implement the spirit of the meeting, to expand the market share, and effectively change the style of work, improve the ideological understanding, strengthen teamwork, change the kind of solo in the past, for the young people more status quo, take the initiative to run groups of users, give full play to the role of the old comrades to pass on, to help, and bring to improve the rate of signing the single through the spirit of this old with the new teamwork, we get each other to improve. The teamwork spirit of the old with the new, we have improved each other.

In order to implement the company's inventory pressure, clear the spirit of the meeting of the receivables, the requirements of the region for weekly reports, monthly summaries, to ensure that the work is put into practice, and work together to complete the first half of the target task to strive for.

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